Groove agent 4 price
Groove agent 4 price

If you like to get down and dirty with your drum-machine samples, you can certainly do it here.


Here you get a range of editing options including loading/replacing samples (including your own samples), adjusting the pitch, pan, filter, time-stretching, loop points and amplitude envelope plus a whole lot more. You also get to pick between two different snare and kick sounds. For example, under the Edit tab with the Acoustic Agent you get a drum kit graphic that allows you to tweak the settings for each kit piece, including the amount of room/overhead mics and the bleed. The options available to you in the right side of the display depends upon whether you have the Pattern or Instrument tab selected in the left pane and, to a certain degree, upon which Agent you have in the currently selected kit slot (the features offered are different for each Agent).

groove agent 4 price

By default, the instrument pads for each kit slot respond on MIDI channels 1 to 4 while the pattern pads respond to any MIDI channel, but there is plenty of flexibility here and even a completely separate virtual MIDI port that can be activated for the pattern pads if required.

groove agent 4 price

Pattern view provides you with a similar set of eight banks/16 pads per bank where you can store MIDI patterns to be triggered, and these also apply to the currently selected kit slot. In Instrument view you can explore, edit and play whatever samples are currently assigned to any of the eight banks of 16 pads for the currently selected kit slot. Beat Agent offers very detailed sample-editing options, including up to eight velocity layers.In the ‘pad’ pane, you can toggle between Instrument view and Pattern view.

Groove agent 4 price